20 Killed in a School Dormitory Fire
By Agathes Kuma
Kuala Lumpur, May 23: The number of victims from a fire at a school dormitory in Guyana has risen to 20. Irfan Ali, the president of Guyana, proclaimed it to be the biggest disaster the nation has ever known and to have caused huge sorrow.
According to a government statement, a fire at the Mahdia Secondary School in central Guyana resulted in multiple injuries.
The Washington Post cited local media to say that the fire started at the high school in the steep interior town of Mahdia shortly after 11:30 p.m. on Sunday, about 200 miles from Georgetown, the nation’s capital.
According to the authorities, the federal government had set up a full-scale health emergency action plan, with planes loaded with personnel and supplies to assist local rescuers.
In a few hours, those with life-threatening injuries were taken to Georgetown. Others had been admitted to the Mahdia District Hospital or were being monitored.
- https://theprint.in/world/at-least-19-children-killed-after-school-dormitory-catches-fire-in-guyana/1589194/
- https://vanakkammalaysia.com.my/பள்ளி-மாணவர்-விடுதியில்/