January 19, 2025

The Hindu Press

Voicing for a Better Community

Atheism in Tamil school? UMHV urges MOE to take action

By P. Manurachna 

KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 9: United Malaysian Hindu Voice (UMHV) has urged the Ministry of Education to remove Dravidic ideology (Atheism) from Tamil Schools.

UMHV spokeperson R. Rubaadarshini told The Hindu Press that the increasing number of Periyaar libraries in Tamil schools in Malaysia and also the invasion of Dravidic ideology in Tamil schools causing numerous harm to the authenticity and originality of the Hindu religion and Tamil language.

“Almost 200 SJK(T)s in Malaysia were given books with Dravidic Ideology and this is to instill this ideology into children from the beginning stage itself.

“Primary school is the place where our kids learn so many values and UMHV is strictly standing against this practice of instilling wrong ideology in children mind.


R. Rubaadarshini

“One of the main challenges we are facing now is where this Dravidic Ideology is teaching people to go against our Rukun Negara (National Principles), “Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan” (Believe in God) which is honored in Article 3 and Article 11 of Constitution of Malaysia.

“Some detractors even capable of asking whether it is a must to follow Rukun Negara, forgetting the sovereignty of the law in Malaysia,” she said.

Rubaadarshini also accused that the Dravidic ideology is going against the the Constitution of Malaysia.

“…and are we still going to allow this ideology to be spread among primary school students?” she asked.

Rubaadarshini, also questioned: “How Ministry of Education can allow the establishment of Periyaar (who is an atheist) libraries in Tamil schools of Malaysia?

Erode Venkatappa Ramasamy, commonly known as Periyar or Thanthai Periyar, was an Indian social activist and politician who started the Self-Respect Movement and Dravidar Kazhagam. He is known as the ‘Father of the Dravidian movement’

“Is the ministry aware about the distribution of books from Tamil Nadu to Malaysian Tamil schools?” she asked.

Rubaadarshini also claimed that there is an attempt to “inject” Dravidic ideology in Tamil school syllabus, which can change the originality of Tamil language.

“The best example of this is seen in the Thirukural adaptation by Dravidic influencers in changing the actual meaning of kural.

She also added another obvious example is the new interpretation of Tamizh letters.

“Dravidic Ideology generally forbid the usage of letter “i” and forbids the usage of Grantha letters which slowly leading the Grantha scripts to extinct.

“All these will slowly destruct the authenticity and identity of our mother tongue, Tamil language.

“Primary schools are the platform to instill religious values in students and this Dravidic Ideology is in the mission to destruct Hinduism.

“Separating Tamil from Hinduism makes them easier to destroy the unity and to get supporters.

“United Malaysian Hindu Voice will always be a VOICE to stand against any activities which is against Hinduism and our identity including Tamil language.

She added that UMHV urges the government to look serious into this matter and please take immediate action on this.

Rubaadarshini also strongly urges the Ministry of Education to take the following actions:

1. Ministry of Education must suppress Dravidic Ideology from invading into Tamil Schools.

2. Ministry of Education should never let anyone to misuse their power on SJK(T) syllabus and also should check thoroughly on everything been taught in schools.

3. The permission given to Dravidic Missionaries on having their libraries should be revoked before things go out of hand.

4. All the free books given to 200 Tamil schools must be seized by Ministry of Education and there shouldn’t be any dravidic book sales or any Dravidic book distribution inside school premises.

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