Diiyaash Dev, an 18-month-old whiz kid, sets a remarkable national record
By Agathes Kuma
Kuala Lumpur, November 5: Approximately 20 to 200 words are typically said by an 18-month-old on average, as per to a Toddler Talk survey. One of our young children defies this claim by speaking more than 500 words, and his name is even registered in a history book.
The Malaysia Book of Records has recognised 18-month-old Diiyaash Dev as the “Youngest To Speak Expressive Vocabulary,” that is more than 500 phrases at the age of 1 year 8 months and 6 days, as mentioned by Varnam Malaysia.
“They claimed that a baby will begin to speak their first word between the ages of 7 and 12 months. Surprisingly, Dev began saying “Mama,” “Dada,” and “Tata” at the age of just 4 months. He begins to recognise words like animals and vehicles around the age of 11 months, according to Kanageswary, Dev’s mother.
Dev parents began communicating with Dev the moment he was born by telling him about their daily activities. The former teacher of an international preschool emphasised that this is the kickoff that Dev has begun to grab more phrases into his memory. For instance, during the diaper change, I’ll show and tell him what I’m doing, says the former educator – Varnam Malaysia
At the baby’s monthly check-up, the doctor said that Dev had advanced language ability, that couldn’t believe at the time. When Dev turned 14 months old, his parents became perplexed at their son’s incredibly rapid development and realised that he possessed this unbelievable ability when he began to speak in complete sentences, as stated by Kanageswary – Varnam Malaysia.
When she and her husband, Mohan Raj Francis, discovered the child’s eagerness to learn new things, they chose to shower him with more phrases by training two-way communication. They also taught him with flashcards, rhymes, and storytelling. Dev quickly picks up more vocabulary as a result.