Halimah trying to “paralyze” Mitra – Waytha
By Sharunya Raja
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 13: Former unity minister P. Waytha Moorthy has accused his successor Datuk Halimah Mohamed Sadique of trying to “paralyze” Malaysia Indian Transformation Unit (Mitra) by downgrading the position held by its director-general.
According to Waytha, the post has been downgraded from the original Grade Designation of Public Sector of Jusa B to Grade 54.
“It seems this is done intentionally by Hallimah to paralyze Mitra’s function in its role to uplift the socio-economic status of the Indian community,” he said in a statement.
“The DG held Jusa B rank while the Deputy DG held Jusa C. Both positions were downgraded to Grade 54 and 52 respectively by Halimah who probably did not want to see many of the innovative actions planned for 2020 to succeed.
“During my time we were coordinating with other key Ministries to bring the Indian community into the mainstream economy of the country.
“A Jusa government officer with knowledge and plans are needed to push the agenda of the community forward. M.Mahalingam took over the position of DG after almost 1 year as Deputy DG.
“He had the background of corporate and financial sectors as he had served in various multinational companies” said Waytha Moorthy.
“It is no secret that in the civil service, KSUs pay more attention when a senior officer with a JUSA position approaches him or her. As a Minister, I plan the policies; and execution done by my DG and his team.
“For the year 2020, I had made contacts with various multinational companies overseas including BMW, Mercedes Benz, Microsoft, GE, Siemens etc, with a view to send Indian youths who were school dropouts overseas, to be trained professionally, which will give them the capacity to earn high incomes and bring the badly-needed changes in the lives of the downtrodden community,” Waytha said.
“Halimah, however, who took over from me must have seen all these plans laid out and ready to be executed.
“By downgrading the DG position she had put a spanner in the works both in terms of cooperating with multinational companies as well as coordinating with other ministries.
“To date she has not justified the downgrading of Mitra as a unit which is now a powerless and paralyzed unit,” he added.