By Nityaasini Sivagami
BENGALURU, INDIA 18TH AUGUST : A politician in India viciously stabbed a student after the student voiced dissatisfaction over the state of the roads in his village, according to Malaysia Nanban.
On his way home from school, V. Santosh Kumar, 18, a student in the 12th grade in Tindivanam, Tamil Nadu, collided with a big pothole on his motorcycle. He started berating the ruling DMK party and the powerful for their negligence in upkeep of the roads, as stated in The Star
After hearing the boy’s tirades, a local DMK party official named Abi, 28, who owns a meat store nearby, chastised him for disparaging his fellow party member. This turned into a heated dispute. Santosh fled screaming into a nearby barbershop after Abi abruptly pulled out a knife and stabbed him.
Abi trailed him into the store, where he took out a straight razor and started hacking the student, followed by a few other guys who joined him in attacking the child. When Pushparaj attempted to assist Santosh, he too was viciously attacked.
Santosh was saved by police who eventually came on the scene, and they took him to a hospital where he is receiving treatment. The incident that startled the community has apparently led to the detention of two guys by the police. ( Source The Star)
Douglas Adams once described a world where lizard overlords rule over humans. The Earth is a democracy, yet despite the fact that humans outnumber and despise lizards, the latter always win elections. It turns out that the humans cast their votes for the lizards for the straightforward reason that “the wrong lizard might get in” if they didn’t. It’s the planet is nearer Earth than we’d care to acknowledge.
We give the wrong people power for the wrong purposes. Power is a relational concept; a leader cannot exist without followers. Though we would prefer to forget it, a large number of the leaders we detest the most were chosen by their fellow residents.
Positive people are drawn to good systems, and negative ones are drawn to bad systems. When it comes to using power, humans may have certain destructive tendencies, but with the correct reforms, we can overcome them.