Parents Alerted to New Trend: Vapes Disguised as Stationery and Candy
By Subaashinee Kupusamy,
8 OCTOBER: Parents are being urged to stay vigilant as some vapes are now being disguised as everyday items like stationery and candy bars. This alarming trend is being facilitated by cheap stickers that transform the appearance of vape devices, making them harder to detect. The stickers are designed to make the vapes look like harmless objects such as pens, highlighters, or candy, which could easily go unnoticed by unsuspecting parents and teachers.
Reports indicate that this trend is gaining traction among students, who are using these altered vapes in schools. With vapes disguised as common stationery, teachers may find it difficult to identify them, posing a significant challenge in maintaining a safe, smoke-free learning environment. The concern is not only about the deceptive packaging but also about the health risks posed to young users, who may be drawn to vaping due to its concealed nature.
Authorities and health experts are advising parents to be more aware of what their children bring to school and to familiarize themselves with the different ways vapes can be hidden. Awareness campaigns are being recommended to curb this issue and educate both parents and school staff on how to identify these disguised vapes.
Parents are urged to stay informed and monitor their children’s belongings more closely, as vapes disguised as innocent objects could pose serious risks to their children’s health as stated in Saysdotcom.