January 19, 2025

The Hindu Press

Voicing for a Better Community

Snakes and Ladders Review: A Bland Mix of Underwhelming Ideas

By Kushsmita Dhevi Jaya Ram

Prime Video’s Snakes and Ladders attempts to follow the popular adventure trope of kids solving mysteries, seen in classics like The Famous Five and Stranger Things. However, it strips away much of the inherent joy and excitement that usually defines these stories.

The plot centers around a group of schoolchildren who become entangled in a murder mystery connected to an organized crime network. Unfortunately, the stereotypical character development expected in such stories is largely absent. Aside from the clichéd “nerdy” character, the rest of the group feels like generic adult interpretations of pre-teens, and the dialogue lacks any distinction between kids and adults, making them all sound the same.

The series struggles with tone, jumping between violent scenes and cartoonish moments where children knock out adults with a shovel. This inconsistency is worsened by flat, uninspired dialogue and humor that consistently falls flat. Despite its adventurous premise, the show rarely attempts to inject fun or energy into the storyline.

Overall, Snakes and Ladders feels like a half-hearted attempt to recreate popular tropes, lacking direction and creativity. It doesn’t succeed as either a thrilling kids’ adventure or an engaging murder mystery, leaving viewers with an uninspired and forgettable experience.

Source: https://www.cinemaexpress.com/tamil/review/2024/Oct/18/snakes-and-ladders-review-bland-mix-of-several-underwhelming-ideas, Picture credits: Prime Video

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